Four farmers in the region will sequester carbon in the soil. Hakkers is one of the first companies in Altena to participate in this innovative pilot project. One of the challenges we are addressing is climate change.

Our industry must deal with the sustainability challenge. We are working hard to reduce our carbon footprint by using biofuels, solar panels and updating our equipment. However, a completely carbon-neutral project is not yet possible. So, Hakkers is partnering with four nearby farmers to sequester carbon on farmland, also known as Carbon Farming. This allows us to offset the remaining residual emissions against sustainable projects. On Monday, 19 December 2022, the collaboration agreement was signed and celebrated at the town hall in Almkerk. Smart measures The pilot project will take five years, during which Hakkers will offset 40 tons of CO2 per year. The farmers bind CO2 in the soil using smart measures that harness the power of nature. Plants and crops convert CO2 from the air into biomass. Different measures ensure that the carbon is actually retained in the soil. Besides binding CO2, additional benefits include: an increase in biodiversity and agriculture is more resistant to climate extremes. The ‘local’ factor was decisive in the project. Working together in the region demonstrates that collaboration leads to progress. Hakkers capturing its CO2 emissions at farms contributes to a sustainable future for both sectors. Additional participants welcome The Carbon Farming project is an initiative of GO2Positive, founded by the Southern Agricultural and Horticultural Organisation (ZLTO). Besides Hakkers, IVECO Schouten of Giessen is also a participant. The Municipality of Altena is supporting the initiative with a contribution and promotion. The four farmers are Landbouwbedrijf Straver (Almkerk), VOF Vermuë – Kivits (Hank), De Graaf VOF (Nieuwendijk) and Landbouwbedrijf Van der Schans (Drongelen). The carbon farmers can capture about 1,000 tons of CO2 in 5 years. More carbon farmers are also ready to participate. So, it is still possible for companies that want to offset their carbon emissions to participate. Learn more: GO2Positive
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